Friday, 30 January 2015


Hi, I am back from China, and of course, have a million photos to scrapbook!!  Do you have heaps to do too.  I have put up my workshop dates - go to the the workshop tag to see the February dates!
So, for February, the promotion is for the beautiful albums that have recently come out - see below.  Apparently, these will have a set amount so first in first served.  So I hope to do an order early in the month - please let me know if these tempt you as it is a good deal!

Also, if you are a scrapbooker check out the scrapbooking tag - it has some tips on taking photos!

Thought you may like to see some of our time in China, above was taken on "the Bund" at Shanghai.

The Great Wall a few hours out of Beijing!

These two were taken in Yangshou in the Guilin area.  My favourite place!  Sunrise overlooking the millions of "peaks" and Bronwyn brush painting her own fan!

In a tuk tuk on the motorway - craziness!!!  Notice they got off as it is reasonably steep uphill!  The next one is driving - our driver didn't seem to mind hovering over the white line - even as other cars went passed - I had to close my eyes many times!
Below if you can see - people have plugged their "e-bikes" into power a number of stories up!
And at the silk factory - helping make the duvets by stretching out the silk worm cocoons.
Bronwyn at work - the kids are doing their facial exercises which some adults told me they also did when they were kids - every day!

Loved our time - it went so quick, so many memories to scrapbook!  See you!

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